Welcome to Forgandenny Primary School Website
“Enriching Lives, Enriching our Community”

Welcome to our website! I hope you will find it both useful and interesting. The purpose of the website is to give you a flavour of our school, give you information about what we do and bring together our school community.
Forgandenny is a small rural village school situated in the heart of the Perthshire countryside. Partnerships with parents and the local community are highly valued and we encourage the involvement of all in a variety of ways. We have a close relationship with our local church, the village hall committee and other local schools. We have a very supportive Parent Forum which organises fund raising events and is involved in supporting the school’s improvement priorities.
Pupil leadership is very important to us, with all learners meeting regularly to promote the work of the United Nations Global Goals and to celebrate school achievements. Our Penguin Parliament, led by our upper school classes, meets frequently and provides a regular opportunity for learner voice to be heard and for our learners to impact on their school. We are fortunate to have lovely grounds and a beautiful garden area with a newly constructed poly tunnel. All classes have responsibility for an area of the school gardens and we work closely with Forgandenny in Flower within the community. We have close links with Strathallan School and gratefully use their IT, music and drama facilities and their grounds for Outdoor Learning.
We are committed to making learning fun, are fully committed to learning through play and encouraging all our learners to develop a life- long love of learning. We strive to live by our agreed values:
Endeavour, Nurture, Respect, Inclusion, Caring, Honesty
You will find evidence of all of the above as you click on the links above. Further up to date news can also be accessed by following our X (formerly Twitter) feed @ForgandennypPS.
Click here to view our online SHOP.