Life and Ethos of the School

Forgandenny Primary lies at the heart of the local community and has strong links with our local church which sits at the bottom of our playground.  Mr Wilson regularly visits the school, delivering assemblies and visiting classes.  All our end of term assemblies take place in the church itself and are open to the community to attend.

At Forgandenny we nurture respect for the environment through our outdoor learning and our whole school eco work.  Last year we organised a national day of action with our #weevoicesbigactions campaign.  This will now be an annual event in our school calendar.  

All our learners are automatically members of our Penguin Parliament, our learner forum.  This meets 4 times a year and is completely run by our upper school learners.  This is an opportunity for learners to share their voice with the whole school community across a range of matters that are important to them.  Topics in the past have included playground, internet safety, leadership.  

There are a number of leadership groups, which run throughout the school.  These cover a wide range of areas and are led by our learners.  These include our P1/2 class, who are our Celebration Committee. They are responsible for organising a variety of events throughout the year including our Harvest Collection and World Book Day. 

Buddies are an important and valued tradition that is fully embedded in our school.   Our upper school learners go through an application and interview process to be selected as a buddy to our new P1 learners, and play an important role in supporting them throughout the year.  This not only gives our new P1s a friendly face in the playground, but allows our older learners to develop lifelong skills.