Nativity & 'Sharing our Learning' Afternoon

We are very much looking forward to welcoming you all to the 'Sharing our Learning' afternoon on Thursday 15th December.  The children are working hard to prepare their classrooms for you to see all the work they have done for our whole school World Religions learning context.  P1/2 has been learning about Islam, P3/4 has been studying Hinduism and P5/6/7 have been investigating Buddhism.  Parents are invited to have a look round all the classes and see the learning throughout the school.

P1-4 pupils have also been rehearsing very hard.  This year we are performing 'It's a Baby!' in the PE Hall.  This will begin at 1.30pm and P1-4 parents are welcome to join us for this before the Open Afternoon begins at 2pm.  The children should now have brought home their costume list.  Please see a member of staff if you are struggling to find items.

We look forward to seeing you there!