
Welcome to our P4/5 class page.  This year we have 17 learners and our class teacher is Mrs Bromley (Mon-Friday).  We also have support from Miss Melville and Mrs Summers throughout the week. 

Forgandenny Primary School’s ethos is one of inclusion, nurture and respect and we embody these values in P4/5. We strive to be polite, kind and respectful at all times.

P4/5 follow the playful learning ethos of the whole school and will be focussing on refreshing our understanding of the benefits of play. We will be investigating the ‘Forgandenny 5’ play RECIPE: Risky, Exploratory, Creative, Investigative, Playing together, Every day. By focussing on our play recipe, we will further develop such skills as communication, compromise, respect, sharing and being a good sport in all aspects of our learning.

P4/5 work hard to have a growth mindset by trying to understand that mistakes help us learn and that things will get easier if we keep practising.

  P45 class picture